A rational look at genetic improvement of rice in Sri Lanka
M.P. Dhanapala, L. Nugaliyadde, D.M.J.B. Senanayake
ANKGN3, a new large seeded (Jumbo) peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) variety for confectionary industry in Sri Lanka
D.G.C. Jeewani, Y.P.J. Amarasinghe, L.H.A.G. Wathsala, M.T. Gunasena, I.R. Liyanage, G. Wijesinghe, R.W. Pushpakumara
Impacts of intensive farming on groundwater quality in the Kalpitiya peninsula
H.K. Kumuduni, S.B.A. Weerawarna, K.M.A. Kendaragama, N.V.A. Manjula
Energy use efficiency of irrigated rice farming systems: A case study in Ampara district of Sri Lanka during Maha season
N.A.R.J. Perera, A.K. Karunarathna, B.F.A. Basnayake
Do non-tariff measures matter for fruit exports from Sri Lanka?
P.S.R. Premarathna
Adoption of commercial fruit farming recommendations in Anuradhapura district with special reference to fruit village programme
P.S.R. Premarathna, R.A.K. Kalyani, A.G.M. Perera
DNA fingerprinting of putative mutants of Kolikuttu banana variety – Agra
D.A. Shirani, W.L.G. Samarasinghe, S.K. Wasala, N.M. Ubeysekara, S. Abeysinghe, P.D. Abeysinghe
Technology adoption in groundnut cultivation in Sri Lanka
N.P. Liyanage, W.M.N.D. Gunathilaka, V.G.S. Nilantha, J.W.L. Surangi, S. Ajanthan, S. Lavannian, N.P.S.A. Manike, B.G.C.A. Gamlath
Effect of drought, flood and heat at flowering stage on canopy cooling related traits in rice
L.C. Silva, M.S. Nijamudeen, H.G.P.B. Dharshana, P. Mahindapala
Recent trends of extreme weather events in Sri Lanka
A.B. Abeysekera, I.M.S.P. Jayawardena, B.V.R. Punyawardena, K.H.M.S. Premalal
Assessment of soil erosion under different land uses in Nalanda reservoir catchment and Kuruwita, Kalu Ganga sub catchment using nuclear techniques
A.G. Chandrapala, C.K. Dissanayake, K.M.A. Kendaragama, S.K. Wetthasinghe, M.D. Kalpage, A.M.T.T.N. Attanayake, A.K. Hettiarachchi
Assessment of the impact of land use on phosphorus status of water, stream sediments and soils: A case study in Kandapola, Nuwara Eliya
A.G. Chandrapala, K.M.A. Kendaragama, C.K. Dissanayake, S.K. Wetthasinghe, A.K. Hettiarachchi
Aqueous botanical formulations from Annona seeds for the management of selected vegetable pests
K.A.N.P. Bandara, L.G.S. Kumari, R.M.M.S. Ranatunge
Effect of Aloe vera (Aloe vera L. Burm. F.) based edible coating compared to bees wax coating on shelf life and quality attributes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at cold room
S.M.A.C.U. Senarathne, K.A.L.B.M. Kodithuwakku, W.S.M. Senevirathne, D.K. Wijerathne, K.W.P.D. Karandawala, H.M.N.D.B. Hennayake, D.N. Hettiarachchi, S.D. Rebeira
Evaluation of phenotypic diversity of exotic soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) germsplasm under Sri Lankan conditions
N.H.M.S. Chithrapala, C. Weebadde, B.N. Samaranayake, R.L. Senanayake, H.L.U. Pushpakumara, M.T. Bandaranayake
Potentially toxic trace elements in vegetable growing soil in selected areas in Central Province of Sri Lanka
N.R.N. Silva, P. Weerasinghe, A. Mayakaduwa, P. Wakwella
Influence of steckling transplanting date and steckling size on seed production of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) var. Beeralu under Mid and Up Country Wet Zone of Sri Lanka
K.K.S.D. Pradeepika, W.M.D. Dassanayake, C.B. Herath
Bw 312: A new high yielding red rice variety maturing around 90 days for general cultivation in Sri Lanka
W.D.P. Weerasinghe, A.P. Bentota, B.G.D.S. Weerasinghe, N.P.S. De Silva, D.M. Withanawasam, I.C. Kudawithana, G.D.A. Priyantha, G. Mahawithanage, A. Wickramanayaka, D.C.M. Paranagama, A.K.T. Chandralal, A. Muthukumari, G.D. Nelumsheeli, O.A.N. Pradeepika, W.G. Fonseka, A.R. Millawithanachchi, J. Bahurupala, T.G. Chamali,
L.A.R. Amaratunga, N.N. Yakupitiyage, H.Y. Ranatunga, N.T. Prathapasinghe
Climate change impacts on maize yields in Sri Lanka: DSSAT
CERES-maize model based simulation
D.G.P.S. Delpitiya, W.M.W. Weerakoon, S.P. Nissanka, B.V.R. Punyawardena, L.C. Silva, W.M.R. Kumari, A.T. Sooriyaarachchi, S. Mathangaweera, P.G.T.L. Madumali, K.M.D. Madushanka, D.N. Weerasinghe
Diversity assessment and evaluation of agronomic characters of selected traditional rice accessions grown in Low Country Wet zone of Sri Lanka
M.C. Millawithanachchi, M.G.C. Prabodini, M.U.A.Vithanage, M.G.N. Rathna Kumari
Bg 409: A new high yielding rice variety for high potential rice growing environments
R.M.N.H. Senanayake, L.S. Silva, A.S.M.T. Abayawickrama, J.M.M.P. Kumararathna, K.R.D. Gunapala, M.A.R.A. Mandanayake, R.J. Rathnayake, W.M.U.K. Rathnayake, H.M.L.U. Sandaruwan, D.G.K.P. Wijerathna, W.K.A.C.P. Kodithuwakku, W.G. Wijepala
Identification and characterization of an isolate of Mucor irregularis as a potential bio-control agent for brown planthopper in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
D.M.J.B. Senanayake, K.R.D. Gunapala, D.M.A.S Senevirathne, H.M.Y.R. Kumari, P.G.S.D. Gunasena, W.A.R. Dhammika, G.D.S.N. Chandrasena
Evaluation of polypropylene spun-bond nets for viral disease management in bitter gourd (Mormodica charantia L.)
J.P. Marasinghe, R.J.K.N.P. Samarasinghe, M.G.D.M. Dayawansha, G.G.C.N. Silva, K.G.S. Senevirathne, S.S. Weligamage, T.J.D. Saman
Combining ability and heterosis of fruit quality and yield traits of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
H.M.P.S. Kumari, P.U. Nisansala, E.P. Wijewardhane, D. P. Sumanasinghe
Marker assisted introgression of opaque 2 allele for development of quality protein maize inbred lines in Sri Lanka
W.A.R. Dhammika, D.M.J.B. Senanayake, W.M.R. Kumari, K.S.I. Senevirathne, P.N. Deniyagedara, P.G.S.D. Gunasena
Genetic purity analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrid varieties; MI maize hybrid 1 and MI maize hybrid 2 using SSR markers
N.M. Ubeysekera, S.K. Wasala, K.G.C.N. Jayarathne, S.H.M.R.N.P. Samaradiwakara
Molecular detection and characterization of Spongospora subterranea
F. sp. subterranea causing powdery scab disease of potato in Sri Lanka
W.A.R.T. Wickramaarachchi, W.A.P.G. Weeraratne, D.M.K.K. Dissanayake