Workshop on "Writing an impactful article" - Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture 2022

Aiming the development of improving the quality of the research papers of the officers of the Department of Agriculture, a one-day workshop has been organized by the executive committee of ASDA -2022. The workshop will be conducted on 29 th of March 2022 at the In Service Training Institute, Gannoruwa starting at 9.30am. The workshop will be lead by Prof. Chalinda Beneragama (Editor in Chief-ASDA 2022) and supported by a team of Academics from faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya and it is expected to be conducted as an interactive session with individual focus on each officer, hence the workshop will be only conducted physically.

Interested officers may send the tentative research topics and confirm your participation through an email ( on or before 25 th of March 2022 by 12.00 p.m. The participants are requested to bring your laptops and existing data sets to the workshop.

The following topics will be covered at the workshop

Writing an impactful article

  1. Marketing your research with a catchy article title
  2. Google searching to strengthen your research
  3. Seeing through your data
  4. Deciding data presentation tables or figures?
  5. Telling a story with your data