HomeMs. Indrani Kalubowila

Ms. Indrani Kalubowila
The Best Scientist of the Year 2021
Mrs. Indrani Kalubovila started her primary education at St Pauls’ Milagiriya girl’s school, Colombo. She qualified for the university entrance from Taxila central College Horana. She was graduated from University of Ruhuna with B.Sc. Agriculture in 1992 and obtained her Master’s Degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India in 2006.
She served for the Agriculture School, Labuduwa & Karapincha as a contractual lecturer during 1994 - 1996 and joint Sri Lanka Agricultural Service in 1996. This very enthusiastic, and academically sound officer started her research career from Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama from 1996 to 2002. Then continued her research activates on Plant Breeding from the Fruit Crops Research and Development Institute, Horana.
During her tenure she was able to contribute for the development of the first papaya hybrid in Sri Lanka Papaya Hybrid -1, the first composite variety of passion fruit in Sri Lanka Horana Gold Passion fruit, two gaduguda varieties Horana Gaduguda1 and Horana Gaduguda 2. Further, she contributed to develop 2 mandarin varieties Indu and Juicy, two pummelo varieties Horana pummelo 1 and Horana pummelo 2 , and three goraka varieties Horana Goraka 1, Horana Goraka 2 and Horana Goraka 3 as the co-breeder.
As a plant breeder, she introduced the newest technologies for the F1 hybrid seed production technology of papaya, composite seed production technology and basic seed production technology for Horana Gold passion fruit, and contributed to introduced the new plant density and trellising system to increase productivity of passion fruit.
Currently, she serves as the Crop Leader of papaya and passion fruit, member of National committee of Plant Breeding and Agronomy in CARP representing the fruit sector. Meanwhile, there are more than 20 research publications for her credits on the subject of plant breeding.