HomeManuscript Submission1


    Instructions to Authors



    Authors should note that the content must have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

    Manuscript should be submitted in the following format. ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION, AND REFERENCES. Please use consistent style throughout the manuscript.

    The manuscripts should be formatted double spaced on A4 papers with  following page setup: Margins; Top, Bottom, Right and Left 3.75 cm; Header 2.5 cm; Footer 1.25 cm; Font: Times New Roman. Follow the formatting given in the table below. Include continuous page and line numbers. It is essential to limit the length of the text to a maximum of fifteen (15) pages

    Section Type Style Alignment Case Font Size Type
    Title Bold Centre 12 Upper
    Author's name Normal Centre 11 Upper
    Author's Address Normal and Italic Centre 11 Title
    Abstract Bold Centre 12 Upper
    Abstract text Bold Justify 10 Sentence
    Keywords Bold Justify 10 Sentence
    Keyword Text Bold Justify 10 Sentence
    Introduction Bold Centre 12 Upper
    Introduction Text Normal Justify 12 Sentence
    Materials and Methods Bold Centre 12 Upper
    Materials and Methods Text Normal Justify 12 Sentence
    Sub Title Bold Left 12 Sentence
    Figure Titles Bold Justify 10 Sentence
    Table Headings Bold Justify 10 Sentence
    References Bold Centre 12 Upper
    Reference Text Normal Justify 10 Sentence

    TITLE PAGE: The title page should include: (1) A concise and informative title; (2) The name(s) of the author(s); (3) The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e., institution, (department), city, (state), country; (4) An active e-mail address of the corresponding author; and (5) running title. The title should be concise and appropriately informative for retrieval. Running title should be short and not exceed 45 characters.

    ABSTRACT: Please provide a structured abstract of 150 to 250 words which should be divided into the following sections: Purpose (stating the main purposes and research question), Methods, Results, and Conclusion

    KEYWORDS: Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. They should be in alphabetical order and separated by commas. Only the first letter of each keyword should be upper case.

    FOOTNOTES: Footnotes within the text should be used only when essential.

    INTRODUCTION: Introductory material, including review of the literature relevant to the current work should be provided. Objective of the current work should be stated at the end of the introduction.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Should introduce the materials used and methodologies followed in the experimental process and data analysis in concise manner.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Should introduce the results in concise and appropriate manner without duplication and how results stand with the present status of knowledge.

    Literature citation in text: Cite references in chronological order (oldest first); within a given year, order them alphabetically (e.g., Jones and Gil, 2010, 2014) (e.g., Ashton et al., 2011; Brown, 2011; Jackson, 2012, 2014). Single author: Jones (2014) or (Jones, 2014). Two authors: Jones and Gil (2014) or (Jones and Gil, 2014). More than two authors: Jones et al. (2014) or (Jones et al., 2014).

    Tables and Figures: Tables and figures with captions/legends should be inserted in the typed text where appropriate. They should be numbered in the order of appearance in the text (e.g., Table 1; Figure 1). All the tables and figures should be cited in the text and data presented in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. Do not make tables using tabs. Instead use the table option in the MS word program. Do not separate columns with lines.

    The graphs drawn in the MS XL program are preferable. Use insert graph option in Word program. Do not cut and paste the graphs in your text. If you are uncertain of the procedure please submit the graphs as separate files with original data in a CD. Make sure that your tables, graphs and figures fit within the specified margins of the page. Do not use colors in graphs to separate different categories. Use black and white patterns instead. In case of line drawings, the original artwork should be submitted.

    Color plates will not be accepted for publication unless they are absolutely necessary for the paper.

    Tables, figures, graphs should stand themselves, hence place explanatory notes and define all abbreviations below the table, graph, figure after the heading.

    Units, Symbols and  Numbers:  The  recommended  Systéme  international  d’unités (SI) units and symbols should be used. Use the word mass (kg, g, mg) correctly. Use either a solidus for one unit in the denominator (e.g., kg ha−1). Use L for liter (mL for millilitre). Words Yala and Maha should be italicized and the year should be appear before the season (e.g., 2015Yala). Other than that only the scientific names of organisms and non-english words should be italicized. In the case of numbers, write out one through nine unless a measurement, a designator, or in a range (e.g., four petals, 3 mm, 6 years, 5–11 species, day 2). Use % instead of percent with numerals; use 1,000 separators as of 1,000: 10,000, when using decimals, use 0.13 instead of .13.

    CONCLUSIONS: State concisely what you can conclude from your work.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State concisely to whom you want to acknowledge.

    AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION: Please indicate the contribution made by each author to the current work. e.g., LS, BVRP, AKK designed the experiment, LS conducted the experiment and LS, AKK wrote the manuscript.

    REFERENCES: All references in the text must be listed at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order of the first author’s last name. Do not number the references. Do not abbreviate or italicize the publication names. Special attention should be paid to the use of punctuations. Study the following examples and follow the same style.

    Journal articles

    Joachim A, Kandiah WRS, Pandithesekera DG 1933. The effect of manures on the composition of paddy and soil. Tropical Agriculturist 81: 11-35.

    Books (identical author and editor)

    De Datta SK 1981. Principles and Practices of Rice Production. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

    Books (edited by someone other than the author of article)

    Ladd JN 1985. Soil enzymes. In: Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity, Eds. Vaughan D, Malcolm RE, pp. 176-221. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. The Netherlands.


    Pieper RD 1963. Production and Chemical Composition of Arctic Tundra Vegetation and Their Relation to the Lemming Cycle. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.


    Lachke A 2002. Biofuel from D-xylose the Second Most Abundant Sugar: http://www.iisc.ernet.in/academy/resonance/pdf/p50-58.pdf (Accessed on 10 July 2014)



    Abstract of the poster should not exceed 300 words.



    Short communications follow the format of a standard scientific paper, but WITHOUT the Abstract and Running Title. It is essential to limit the length of the text to a maximum of five pages as per the guidelines applicable for a text of full paper (font, spacing, margins etc).

    Download Manuscript Guideline Here